Given the instructions from the government regarding COVID-19, we are following the guidance to stop the spread. We’re supporting the campaign to contain the spread. STAY ALERT >>> STAY SAFE >>> PROTECT LIVES……
Everyone is responsible for risks and responsibility of safeguarding against the COVID-19 and help to stop the spread. DIVERSE trainers are taking the necessary measures to safeguard all clients/pupils from coming in contact with COVID-19 by keeping personal and vehicle hygiene to highest level as possible, we request that all clients/pupils help us to reduce the risks of spreading the virus.
Wearing of face masks or other covering by the client/pupil or the trainer must be worn unless you have a good reason not to. This includes if:
You need to say if you have a good reason not to wear a face covering when you arrange your training. Your training will be cancelled if you come without a face covering and you did not declare you could not wear one when you arranged your training. The trainer might also choose to wear gloves and use disposable seat covers, these will be reviewed as per Government and Public Health England guidelines.
Whilst we endeavour to stop the risks of spreading COVID-19 we cannot guarantee you will not come in contact with the virus during your training, therefore you are continuing with your training at your own risks. DIVERSE or the trainer cannot be held responsible.